Synopsis of still life by louise penny
Synopsis of still life by louise penny

There are three main couples in the book: Clara and Peter, Olivier and Gabri, and Gamache and Reine‐Marie. The snakes in Eden.” Can you find other echoes of Paradise in Three Pines, and what role do snakes-real or metaphorical-play there?ģ. Around it the maples and birches and wild cherry trees held their fragile leaves, like thousands of happy hands waving to them on arrival. An old stone mill sat beside a pond, the mid‐morning sun warming its fieldstones. The village of Three Pines is not on any map, and when Gamache and Agent Nicole first arrive there, they see “the inevitable paradox. Why is that odd for a homicide detective, and how does it influence his work? What are his strengths and his weaknesses?Ģ. At the beginning of Still Life, we are told that “violent death still surprised” Chief Inspector Armand Gamache. Still Life Reading Group Discussion Guideġ.

Synopsis of still life by louise penny